Welcome to Mom Talk, where we strive to parent authentically and continue to grow alongside our children. Understand more about your child’s growth and development through different ages and stages. Join Geneviève Kyle-Lefebvre, her Co-Hosts & their Parenting Experts on this parenting journey and get the most up-to-date, expert information for today’s parents.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
No one likes being told what to do… but kids who are stubborn can find it downright unbearable, as they hold values like responsibility, autonomy, and freedom at the highest level of their scale of values.
“Strong-willed” children are not just “difficult”: it is important to understand that from their point of view, they feel that their integrity is compromised if they are forced to submit to the will of another person. On the contrary, if they are allowed to choose, they will love to cooperate with you!
This week at Parent Talk podcast we are talking with Sonja Latifpour from Bright Star Counselling about how to manage stubborn in children with Sonja Latipour.
By listening to this episode you will learn many good tips on how to deal with your child’s stubborn behaviour and how to talk to your stubborn child to get their buy-in.
Happy Listening!
Genevieve & Becca
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
We all know that setting and achieving goals is a life skill necessary for success and happiness, but it’s one that even adults REALLY struggle with. Studies show that only about 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions!
How can we teach children to set realistic goals — and actually achieve them?
Research shows that children learn best when they’re playing and enjoying themselves at the same time. Fun experiences increase levels of endorphins, dopamine, and oxygen, all of which promote learning.
One problem when kids make goals is that while some children know how to set a goal, they don't understand how to achieve it. They seem to think that just wanting something will somehow make it happen. This can be especially true for gifted children, for whom everything comes easily. This leads to them being discouraged, give up, and deterring future successes.
By helping your child achieve their goals you will also help them believe in themselves, build
self confidence and build independence.
Don’t miss this week podcast with Ginny Chui. She will be giving you great tips on how to guide your child set his own goals and achieve them.
Happy listening!
Genevieve, Becca & Ginny
Tuesday May 03, 2022
E164 - The Benefits of Art Therapy with Michelle Oucharek-Deo | Parent Talk
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Did you know that the playfulness of art therapy is among one of its greatest benefits?
Through activities such as dance, music, theater, visual arts, body language, literature, or applied Arts (design, jewelry, textile), children can develop social and expressive skills, and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Other benefits of art therapy in both children and adults are learning to navigate conflicts and solve problems to reduce stress or to achieve growing introspection.
If you are curious or if you want to know more about Art Therapy and its benefits, this week's podcast is a must-listen.
E164 - The Benefits of Art Therapy With Michelle Oucharek-Deo
Michelle will be answering all your questions and don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more!
Happy listening 🎧
Genevieve, Becca & Michelle
Important links:
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
E163 - Meditation journey for children with Hayley Winter | Parent Talk
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
- An improvement in their executive functioning skills
- A sense of physical, emotional and social well-being
- A decrease in unwanted behaviour in children
- Improved academic performance of students
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
At what age have you started making your own decisions?
I know we live in a different world then when we were young, so…
Among the many difficult issues for parents is the determination of how much freedom to give their children to make their own decisions.
The types of decisions that children can reasonably assume varies with their age, their capacity to manage their behaviours, and their trustworthiness, among other factors.
Don’t miss this week episode with Linda Clement, Linda is giving us some age-appropriate guidelines to help you know when your kids can make their own decisions.
Inspiring them to be themselves and live their own path throughout making their own decisions!
E162 - When can parents allow their children to make their own decisions
Expert: Linda Clement, Parenting Coach
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
As the war in Ukraine unfolds in front of our eyes, we can't forget that our kids are watching too...
They're hearing things at school, listening to the news on TV at home, and seeing images on their social media feeds.
How can parents talk to kids about what's happening in an age-appropriate way?
To help us navigate this new situation with our child we have asked Laura Linn these questions:
- Would you talk about war with your pre-schooler? Or would they be too young? Should they be shielded from this?
- What do you say at different age levels? How do you start the conversation?
- Should you ask what they know? How do they feel about it?
- What if they are scared war will come to America? How can you address their fears? How can you make them feel safe and secure?
- If they ask questions you don't know the answers to, how do you respond?
- How can you help your children make sense of war if you can't wrap your own mind around it?
Tittle: E161 - How to talk about the war to your child
Guest: Parenting Educator Laura Linn Knight is the author of the upcoming book "Break Free from Reactive Parenting” and she’s a former Elementary School Teacher, Certified Positive Discipline Educator, and a Meditation Teacher who specializes in helping parents, teachers, and kids create more calm in the home and in the classroom.
Laura was just interviewed on this topic for NBC’s TODAY.com, and she's also appeared on Good Day L.A., Great Day Washington, PureWow, and now on the Parent Talk podcast.
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
E159 - The early signs of autism with Carolyn Turkington | Parent Talk
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Do you know what are some early signs of autism?
*Doesn't respond with a smile or happy expression by 6 months.
*Doesn't mimic sounds or facial expressions by 9 months.
*Doesn't babble or coo by 12 months. *Doesn't gesture — such as point or wave — by 14 months.
Does this sound like your child or a child you know?
In today’s episode, Carolyne Turkinton is sharing with us her son’s diagnosis story, the key things she did to get help fast, and how she views autism in her family.
We hope this podcast brings a lot of value to your family.
Have a listen and share it with a friend.
Episode: 159 - The early signs of autism
Guest: Carolyn Turkington, Middle School Educator that has specialized in teaching Special Education, Founder of the Moms Babes & Author
Important links:
Genevieve & Becca
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Have you ever wondered why do children have a hard time listening or following instructions?
Did you know as human beings we are not designed to follow instructions from those that we are not attached to?
The idea of not following instructions when we are not feeling attachment is also called counter-will.
In this episode, Social Worker and Member of the Neufeld Institute, Geneviève Brabant helps you understand what’s happening in your child's brain when they are not listening to you. She helps you figure out why this is happening and what to do to reconnect with your child to create better-listening skills.
You’ve got this mama!
Happy Listening and learning new tips!
Geneviève & Becca
Episode: 158 - How to create better-listening skills with your child.
Guest: Geneviève Brabant, Social Worker, On Faculty at The Neufeld Institute.
Important links:
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
E157 - Coordination challenges in kids with Karly Dagys | Parent Talk
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Does your child have trouble with small movements such as writing with a pencil or brushing their teeth, tying their shoes, or simply eating or feeding them self?
Or your child may have difficulties with larger movements, such as biking, climbing, or kicking a ball.
Did you know that sometimes it’s the planning or initiation of those movements, that is difficult?
In this episode Physiotherapist, Karly Dagys, helps you figure out why this is happening and learn about 3 ways to know if your child has coordination issues, don’t miss it!!
Happy Listening and Learning!
Geneviève & Becca
Episode: 157 - Coordination challenges in kids
Guest: Karly Dagys, Pediatric Physiotherapist from PlayWorks Physio
Important links: